Friday, January 27, 2012

Winter break

Hard to believe its almost February and just pulled the boat out for its winter break.With temps staying warm and the fishing remaining good stayed in the longest we ever have. But with this our 2011 season is over.
[b]I want to thank all those who fished with us on REELMUSIC this year , and cant wait for the next few months to pass to start the 2012 season off[/b].
Hopefully all of you , and some new faces come out this spring to make some
[b]REELMUSIC[/b] of your own
Thanks Again
Captain Dan Bias


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Better blackfishing 1/11

Had David , Nick , Alex , and captain Rich rounded out the crew for some togging today. Started out in the deep, but wasnt happy with the amount of life so after catching a few we headed back inshore to finish the day.Found a little bit better bite, put 17 tog in the box and threw back a few right at the 15" mark looking to get some more roasters , but the old saying a bird in the hand is better than one in the bush held true as the bite shut totally off early this afternoon and we headed back in with those 17 and 1 nice cod.Highlight of the day was using the underwater camera to see what lurks below.I think I could spend as much time watching the camera as I do fishing as what you think is down there looks a ot different in reel life.we were amazed at how many tog we saw on the camera that had lockjaw,

David with a few nice tog from today

Togging 1/10

Had Steve out for his weekly solo trip. Bite was tough had a TON of just short fish, with just a couple hitting the cooler for dinner. Still a nice day on the water just being able to tog in January

Monday, January 9, 2012


Headed out today with the TOGFATHER, Rich , And Jimmy to do some togging today. very tough scratchy bite , followed one quick thump hits today. But the TOGFATHER put on a show quickly limiting out amongt all the ball busting . Then procedded to throw keepers back in ( stocking the hatchery for us lol) around the rest of us till we scratched out a limit . Rich had the biggest of the day pulling the digital down to just over 9 1/2 pounds. Had a bunch of quality fish in the limit as well. Never really got a good bite going today, took a bunch of wiggles to keep them chewing. But still headed in early with the four man limit

Sunday, January 1, 2012

NEW YEAR DAY 2012 tog

What a way to start of the NEW YEAR 2012.Too many party animal friends going out for New years left just John and I to head out and enjoy an incredible day for January 1 2012. If it wasnt for the south wind that came on mid morning we probably would have been fishing in t shirts today.Started out to it being like a mirror and running north at 39 knots up the beach.John boated his first tog of the New year a few minutes after we came tight a solid 4 pounder. I followed up minutes later with my first tog of 2012, a solid 9 pounder which John put an ALS tag on before I sent it back to fight another day.Bite got a little scratchy so we headed out to deeper water. Took about half an hour to get them going, but once they started the bite built quickly as did the seas.we boated over twice our limit ( only keeping 4 each ) releasing all the rest , keeping a bunch of nice roasters for the table.Both of us knew it was time to head in as the seas had really stacked up tight , but kept fishing for another hour throwing back nice tog. Then took the beating riding back in the stacked 4 footers at 13 knots.
9 pounder with the ALS tag
