Monday, September 3, 2012


Headed back out tonight with Capt Rich and Capt Mike of west wind outfitters, for another great nite of bowfishing for carp . even in the rain and with water clarity less than perfect Capt Mike put us on fish. And we shot a bunch.
we were looking to arrow a giant we saw last night , and believe we did get one quick look at him again tonight , but without enough time for a shot.

This is def an addictive  hobby , and I cant wait till all these storms pass and we have clear water again,



Got a call from Capt Rich inviting me out for a trip to bow fish for carp with his friend Capt Mike of WEST WIND OUTFITTERS. 

Capt Mike is running bow fishing trips for big carp , and when i heard a could do something combining fishing and shooting a bow I knew I wanted to try it 

The boat is equiped with Mission bows and Mike sets them up for each individual shooters draw and weight before the trip. 

we headed out after dark, on the custom rigged Sea Ark , with its raised shooting deck and were into the carp in no time. 
Rich and I made good on the first four before the misses started lol

But while we missed some we thought should have been chip shots even in deeper water, we made some really good ( lucky ) shots through the night. 

water clarity made it a little tough  to see the carp, so shooting was fast paced when you did, with any hesitation they would slip on  by. 

Not sure how many carp we ended up shooting but the cooler wouldnt shut at nights end. 
Partially due to the biggest one Rich Shot was over 39 pounds. 

I had another big one pulling the boat around before it finally pulled free of the arrow. after taking line from me as fast as if i had hooked onto a passing boateek 

we saw a few giants we hope to see in clearer water, and get a chance at. 

was alot of fun, and Captain Mike def worked the boat hard all night to get us on fish. 

anyone looking to try something new that likes shooting a bow, give him a shout, Just be forwarned this is def an ADDICTIVE hobby, as even after getting home after 3AM I was up looking at bow fishing equipment last night, and Rich has already swapped his old XI into a bowfishing rig 

Ended the night with me taking a shot showing Rich how to THREAD THE NEEDLE. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Had Steve and his son David out for a day of bucktailing for fluke. 

Never have seen so many fluke in every area we fished. Move the bucktail ten feet there was another fish on it/ only was mostly 15-17 inch fish . 

They weeded through the tons of shorts to bring 10 keepers boatside. losing 2 while hesitating swinging , but getting 8 into the box for dinner. 

David was pretty green the first few hours but really hung in there and fished HARD between hurls. catching the biggest fluke just over 5 pounds. 

he also had a cool piebald fluke that was half white on the brown side . 

Non stop action from start to finish , today was def about catching, as the guys had well over 100 fluke in the boat today.