Sunday, September 25, 2016

9/25 Togging

headed out this afternoon with Tracey and Steve to do some togging.
Tracey had our first keeper of the fall.
Steve had the first fluke on my new blackfish jigs, and the biggest tog of the day on a jig, just under 6 #.
Nice day on the water especially after the winds dropped out.
Made 3 drops through the afternoon with a few wiggles.
had a decent pick of fish at each spot Fish would come in flurries.
Fairly flat seas , let me run the boat in at over 40 knots.
Love it when its flat

Sunday, September 18, 2016


Pulled the boat For the hurricane.
got the internal zincs changed out as well as changed the oil , and lower unit oils while waiting out the storm.
changed out the steering hoses .
and couldnt wait to try and get one last shot in on the fluke yesterday.

John Tracey and I made some long runs checking some of the spots fluke congregate moving offshore. but didnt have much luck only catching a few fluke.

Looking forward to stripers and blackfish for the next few months