Saturday, November 25, 2017

More blustery togging

Headed out with Eddie and Ed today again to try for tog.
First spot had a few shorts then got over run with dogs.
Made a move to shallower water and had an ok bite there for the rest of the incoming tide .boxing 10 keepers and eddie also had his PB tog on a jig ,coming in at 9# on the digital. Which he released to fight another day

After the tide changed was like someone threw a switch.
Four more drops found just a few bites from super small fish .

Still pretty nice out for most of the day. But the ride home was a lumpy one


Saturday, November 18, 2017

11/18 Blustery Blackfish Blues and Bass

Despite the insane winds yesterday got to enjoy a decent day on the water with Tracey,Eddie ,and Ed.
With steady winds around 25 I knew staying close to the beach would be our only option.
Started with snag and drop getting no love on miles of bunker.
Headed up the beach and anchored in 35' had a very steady pick of blackfish .
But shorts drastically out numbered keepers.
And keepers were only 16/17 fish.
Boxed a dozen and headed back down the beach  to bass the last hour.
Found a pod getting hit by blues and bass .
Catching a few as the sunset.
Then turned the rocket east beating the falling fireball back to the inlet.
Cant always be banner days ,but still felt great to be on the water.

Check out the mouth on Ed's last bass . It had been caught a few times.
Looked pretty rough and was bleeding so he boxes that one. Releasing the rest to fight another day

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Ok bassing

Headed out with John this morning .
Bait was pretty local north and south.
Slow pick of bites,seemed just a few cruising fish .
John had an over as well as an under. Even the smaller bass had no prob swallowing the bunker