Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Stripers

Met Capt Joe tonight, and headed out on his boat to see if we could into some better striper fishing. The water is starting to clean up, and was a few degrees warmer tonight than yesterday. We headed into the back bay just before 6 pm, onto a sheet of glass.
We set up in the same area where I had Saturdays charter, hoping to get them going again. It took quite a while for the tide to change , but once it did we were steady into the bass. Catching over a few dozen fish, once the sun started to set, and for the next couple hours. Going through a little over a half bushel of clams, left them biting when we used up all the bait.
You can say we Wacked and stacked em, or hammered them 4 reel, but it was def a fun night of fishing. alot of shorts , with more than enough 28-31 inch keepers to keep it interesting. Fish were def more agressive today than yesterday, and super fun on the light tackle rods we were using.

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