Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Another striper cherry popped

Headed out last night with Ryan and his GF Mel to try and catch her first striper.
made our way up the beach at 38 on super flat seas with a light west wind. looked like it was going to be a pleasant night on the water.
WOW did that change quick as we set up to snag some bunker on the only small pod we had seen, that was also getting crashed by 20 boats.
after snagging a few I could feel the wind changing QUICKLY for the worse, as it started to HOWL out of the south.
Told Ryan we better make the run while we could , and would end up trolling if need be.
First drop we had bass trying to eat the bunker on top, with a few pulled out of their mouths before the blues came in and ripped up the bunker, losing the only live lined bass on the prop just feet from being netted.
put out the stretches and caught a few more blues before the right fish hit , and Mel did a great job putting the fish boatside.
another striper cherry popped. with seas already stacked up into tight 5 footers we decided to get back in before having to take a real beating.

1 comment:

  1. amazing post. nice pictures. Fishing is really an amazing thing when done on Yacht Charter Dubai.
