Friday, September 5, 2014


After having the worst week of my life, losing my mother on Wednesday.
Making funeral arrangements yesterday, I had to get out of my house today.

As many peoples mothers are, mine was always there for me in every way. She helped me realize a dream of owning a boat I could comfortably fish a little harder than my old 19', when I purchased my Sea Pro 238., seemed most times she called the conversation started with her asking if I was fishing, or heading to the boat. It brought her ALOT of joy knowing I really enjoyed owning and fishing this boat as much as possible.

So today I headed out with Tracey and Steve to spend a day out on the boat.
We ran north to the ruff stuff finding no drift at all, so kept going north to the channels.
But the water there was dirty and the drift very fast in both the SH and the Ambrose channels. so afer an hour or so and only one keeper in the box we headed back to the ruff stuff.
The drift was better, even getting a little too fast when the tide and wind were together, but using an 8' drift sock we managed to put together a limit catch of really nice fluke.

We had 8 fish over 5 pounds, four of those over six, the biggest going 7#1 oz.

Steve had the hot hand and was the first to limit. Then I finished mine catching the 3 big fish on three consecutive drifts.
Was another great day on the water, but I had tears in my eyes driving home through the now sloppy south wind chop.

I can only hope that while I cant tell my mom about another great day I had , that she had seen it from above

I know she will always be there in my heart, until the day we meet again 


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