Saturday, September 19, 2015


Headed out with Tracey and Steve to try and do some fluke fishing today.
Got to try out the new electronics today. was nice to have the extra screen , as on leaving this morning it was densely fogged in.
was able to set the radar and chart plotter, as well as the fish finder screens on and make our way easily and safely out to the grounds.
Had very good intel of some BIG fish being found relatively close to home.
Worked that area for a few hours and had a bunch of shorts , as there def were fish there but couldnt find bigger ones wanting to chew.
Worked a few miles north where we still had way more small fish. but put a few keepers in the box to Traceys 4+ pounder.
I had one fish that was a definite surprise when A big cownose slammed my gulp and pulled off over 100 yards of line before I was able to turn him and bring him boatside.
The Revo Nacl drags worked flawlessly on those long hard runs, another testament to their reliability for most fish encountered inshore

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