Monday, May 30, 2016

Foggy Flukin 5/29

Headed out with Tracey to do some fluking yestrerday.
bounced around a few spots oceanside to see if any fluke have moved in.

Small sea bass were relentless, tearing at the Gulp tails.
clouds of them everywhere we stopped.

Had 8 fluke, 3 of which were keepers, biggest one going 5 pounds.

was heading in to Pick up Scott and the pizza boy at 1 when a super dense fog rolled in , blanketing the area in minutes to 50 yard visibilty.

Made our way back watching the nut show on the radar as guys were trying to find their way back to the inlets.

crazy how many guys felt the need to try and catch up with other boats heading in , hoping to follow them.
and even more trying to run the shoreline , while only being able to see the breakers, and not even the beach.
I pushed off into deeper water , and less boats and made our way in to find a cluster F in front of the inlet.
 as guys who were using their GPS , to navigate back, knew they should be there, yet you couldnt see the inlet until you were through it.

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