Friday, May 25, 2012


Had Brad , Dale ,Barry and Tom out tonight for some bassing. came out the inlet as Bowguide floated a netfull of bunker. filled the wells and off to the north we went. that was about if for the good of the night as EVERYTHING else that could go wrong did. Fog came in hard after only moving 2 miles up the beach . Then the first three rigs Brad had tied for his friends popped on bass. Finally Dale sinks his hook into as bass , and we get it in the boat. Only now we get covered up with big bluefish , quickly going through alot of bait. So I jump up on the bow t throw the net and whatever has been ailing my knee, pops and sends me to the deck . I stand up and throw the net to watch it imeadiatly start to swim away, full of bunker PLUS 15 GIANT bluefish , which just blow big holes in my Percy net.Finally the fog lifts and we can see big schools of bunker , and im told bass are on them . But Tom lands 2 for his limit, followed by Barry bringing one boatside I hooked for  him.  Brad ( NAh we will leave that for another day LOL)

so the guys box four bass and a bunch of big blues while missing a bunch more good hits.

Best one was DALE  leaving 1 really run for A LONG TIME, only to say " It didnt have it long enough AFTER the bass puts him on the deck face first on the hookset, looking like he was going to make a shark barrel float out of him LOL

was tough nite , but the ball busting made it a good one


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